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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

OK, so for whoever is reading this, and it may just be this solo Cosmic Tripster, I am jumping for joy because I finally DID IT!  On May 14, 2016 I became an official McMenamin's Cosmic Tripster.  At this point I am not going to go into the nitty gritty details of all the many, many miles that I drove in order to attain my elite status! 

I feel good to know that I made it, and on my very own too.  I took trains, buses and automobiles, stayed at hostels and airbnb's along the way.  It really was just as much about the journey as the destination. 

So one of my rewards coming up this month is the Official Cosmic Tripster Party held at Edgefield on Sunday, September 18th.  I will take the train to Portland on the 17th, most likely stay at the Hawthorne Hostel that night, then bus it to Troutdale on the 18th in great anticipation for the party.  I even found an adorable new bathing suit to bring along at Marshalls.  Oh boy! 

So I may be able to go to a concert with Grif next summer, depending if they choose my name from a hat.  I am putting it out there that they do!  We will receive 3 free nights at any of the McMenamins as well.  I am not sure right now which 3 it will be.  Maybe Anderson School, Elks Lodge when it is completed and one more in Oregon, not sure which though.

So GOOD FOR ME!!! I did it, I did it, I did it, YAYHOO I did it.  My sister Celia has been so supportive of my quest.  She even sent me a card of congratulations.  I was and am so touched by that.  She seems to understand how important this has and is to me.

So this is going to conclude this blog for now.  My next post will be a report on the Tripster Party.

Until then, keep on exploring and wandering!!

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